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Welcome to Marion County Public Health

Contact us if you have any questions or need additional information about our services.


Marion County Public Health Department
2003 N Lincoln St
Box 152
Knoxville, Iowa 50138

Contact Us

Call Us

(641) 828-2238

Fax Us

(641) 842-3442


Mon–Fri: 8am–4:30pm

24/7 Emergency Public Health Contact

Linsey Spoelstra, Director

(641) 891-4068

Iowa Medicaid Continuous Coverage Requirement Unwind
From March 2020, through April 1, 2023, Iowa Medicaid was required to maintain continuous health care coverage for members. This meant that if a member’s situation changed (e.g., financially) in a way that would normally disqualify them from the program, Iowa Medicaid was required to maintain coverage for the person during the public health emergency (PHE). On December 29, 2022, President Biden ended the requirement for continuous coverage effective April 1, 2023. Visit for more information on what this means to you.

Update from Marion County Public Health

Effective October 1, 2022 Marion County Public Health will no longer provide the following services:

  • Breastfeeding Peer Counseling
  • Child Care Nurse Consultant
  • First Five
  • Hawki
  • I-Smile Dental Health Services
  • Lead Poisoning Prevention
  • Maternal & Child/Adolescent Health
  • WIC

For information visit our Marion County Services webpage.


Compassionate Care Marion County Public Health

​Our Vision

Provide health guidance and enforcement for our citizens to have the opportunity to make informed choices regarding their health and wellness, strive for a clean and safe environment, and the assistance to access needed health related services.

Our Mission

Marion County Public Health Department Prevents Disease through Health Promotion and Protection using Assessment, Policy Development and Assurance.

Core Values

  • Collaboration
  • Competence
  • Integrity
  • Respect
  • Stewardship
  • Strength Based Approach
  • Trust
  • Invested in Education

Our Programs

For more information about our programs, please click on the program.

Care for Yourself

The Care for Yourself program helps eligible women receive: an annual office visit, Mammogram, Pap test, and blood pressure screenings. CFY also pays for some Breast and Cervical diagnostic services.

Communicable Disease Follow-Up

Provides disease investigation and follow-up for communicable diseases reported to the Iowa Department of Public Health by local health providers.

Community Education

Marion County Public Health Department offers a variety of health related educational topics that are available to groups throughout the county.

Emergency Response

The Marion County Emergency Response Coalition (MCERC) is the local healthcare coalition for Marion County. The Marion County Emergency Response Coalition is part of a larger service area, including: Appanoose, Clarke, Davis, Decatur, Lucas, Mahaska, Marion, Monroe, Ringgold, Union, and Wayne counties.

Environmental Health

Promote, protect and ensure the health of Marion County through environmental protection. Focus areas of Environmental Health include: septic system installation, maintenance, and repair permits and inspections, septic haulers inspections, water wells, well plugging, public pool and spa inspections, tattoo inspections, animal control/rabies follow up and nuisance complaints.

Foot Care Clinics

Foot care clinics are held in Knoxville, Melcher, Pella, and Pleasantville. Foot care clinics are designed to help provide routine foot care to individuals who are having difficulty providing that care for themselves.

General Assistance

General Assistance is available through the Marion County Public Health Department to families and individuals who are poor or in need.


We offer immunizations to those ages 2 months through 18 years. If your child has Medicaid, no insurance, is an American Indian or Alaskan Native, they are eligible to receive their vaccinations at no cost. We also offer a few adult immunizations, but currently do not bill insurance companies, so you will have to pay out of pocket for those vaccinations. Call for more information!

Public Health Nursing

Public Health Nurses work in the community to provide services that are not available to our residents anywhere else.

Senior Nutrition

Helping older adults meet their daily nutritional needs by delivering fully-prepared, refrigerated meals directly to their home. 

Tobacco Free Coalition

Education and awareness of tobacco related health disparities and the benefits of living tobacco free.

Tuberculosis (TB)

Information about Latent and Active Tuberculosis (TB) and where to get a skin test.

Vaccines can prevent infectious diseases that once killed or harmed many infants, children, and adults. Vaccination is a highly effective, safe and easy way to help keep your family healthy!

Frequently Asked Questions


Marion County Public Health (Knoxville, Iowa) would like to welcome you to our website! We hope the information we have provided is beneficial and will help you find the answers to your questions.

Contact us if you have questions or need additional information.

Childhood and Adult Immunizations

Knoxville (MCPHD, 2003 N. Lincoln St.)

By Appointment ONLY
Call our office at 641-828-2238 to schedule an appointment for immunizations. Our office hours are Monday through Friday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm.

More information available on our Immunization page.

Personal Preparedness

For information on how to develop a Family Emergency Plan, an Emergency Kit, and other useful tips see the following websites:

Contact us

Call Us

(641) 828-2238

Our Location

2003 N Lincoln St
PO Box 152
Knoxville, IA 50138

Get in Touch